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Moore Dry Kiln of Canada Limited (Plaintiff)
U.S. Natural Resources, Inc. (Defendant)
Trial Division, Mahoney J.—Ottawa, April 3 and 4, 1975.
Practice—Trade marks—Defendant seeking leave to file and serve "supplementary affidavit of documents or... list of documents"—Defendant changing solicitors—Forwarding ad ditional lists of documents—Plaintiff aware of implied request for consent to file, and not misled—Plaintiff refusing to consent—Federal Court Rules 447, 448, 461.
After examinations for discovery had been held, defendant forwarded additional lists of documents to plaintiff. Plaintiff acknowledges that, while defendant did not formally request plaintiff's consent to the filing or service of these supplemen tary lists, it was not misled and was aware of the implied request, but it refuses to give consent.
Held, defendant must be granted leave to file a supplemen tary list verified by affidavit as required by Rule 448. Rule 461 appears to give the parties the right to agree to the filing and service of a bare supplementary list, but to limit the order which the Court must grant to a list verified by affidavit. The Court has discretion as to the terms upon which leave will be granted. Plaintiff is entitled to further examination for discov ery in respect of the additional documents; defendant is not.
A. M. Butler for plaintiff. L. Turlock for defendant.
Gowling and Henderson, Ottawa, for
Barrigar and Oyen, Ottawa, for defendant.
The following are the reason for judgment ren dered in English by
MAHONEY J.: This is a trade mark case. The allegations of fact on which the action is based are set forth in the reasons for judgment of my brother Kerr, dealing with another interlocutory applica tion herein, rendered February 20, 1975. The
defendant now seeks, under Rule 461, leave to file and serve "a supplementary affidavit of documents or supplementary list of documents". That Rule provides:
Rule 461. Where, at any time after a list or an affidavit has been made under Rules 447 to 458,
(a) it comes to the attention of the party or his solicitor that the list or affidavit was inaccurate or incomplete, or
(b) any document comes into the party's possession, custody or power that was not in his possession, custody or power at the time when the original affidavit was made,
a request shall be made to the other parties for consent to file and serve a supplementary list or affidavit, and, if such consent is refused, an application shall be made to the Court for leave to file and serve a supplementary affidavit, which leave shall be granted on such terms, if any, as the circumstances of the matter may require; and when any such consent or leave is obtained a supplementary list or affidavit shall be filed and served accordingly.'
The action was commenced June 7, 1972. The statement of claim was served ex juris during that summer and, after an unsuccessful effort to strike out a substantial portion of the statement of claim, the statement of defence and counterclaim was filed March 12, 1973 and the reply, defence to counterclaim and joinder of issue was filed March 20.
The defendant filed its list of documents pursu ant to Rule 447 on June 29, 1973; the plaintiff had filed its list of documents earlier. Examinations for discovery ensued. Following the examinations for discovery, the defendant changed its solicitors. On each of January 10, February 6, March 21 and March 26, 1975, the defendant's new solicitors forwarded additional lists of documents to the plaintiffs solicitors accompanied, it appears, by copies of most of the documents therein referred to. Each successive list covered documents not comprised in the list of documents duly filed under Rule 447 nor in any of the preceding lists deliv ered. There are something in the order of 150 individual documents and bundles of documents enumerated in the four lists.
' The emphasis is mine.
The defendant did not formally request the plaintiff's consent to the filing or service of these supplementary lists; however, the plaintiff acknowledges that it was in no way misled by that failure and was aware of the implied request, which it refuses. It is therefore unnecessary for me to deal with the question of whether the bare delivery by one party to another of a formally drawn document bearing the style of cause and entitled "Supplementary List of Documents which may be relied upon by Defendant in accordance with Rule 447" constitutes the request for consent prerequisite to an application to the Court under Rule 461.
The defendant filed the notice of motion herein on March 27, 1975 and, on April 2, the parties filed a joint application for an order fixing a time and place for the trial of this matter. That applica tion indicates a ten day trial comprised of five days in each of Vancouver and Ottawa. While this application will not be dealt with until discovery is complete, I have ascertained that, from the point of view of the Court, the commencement date of June 9 proposed by the parties is presently convenient.
I am satisfied that it had come to the attention of the defendant's solicitor that the list of docu ments filed and served under Rule 447 was incom plete and that, under Rule 461, I have no discre tion but to grant leave to the defendant to file a supplementary list of documents verified by affida vit as provided by Rule 448. Rule 461 appears clearly to give the parties the right to agree to the filing and service of a bare supplementary list but to limit the order which the Court must grant to a list verified by affidavit. I do, however, have dis cretion as to the terms upon which that leave will be granted.
The plaintiff is manifestly entitled to further examination for discovery in respect of the addi tional documents and I do not see how, properly or practically, I can limit that right in any of the
ways suggested by the plaintiff. 2 As long as the further examination relates to the additional docu ments and to the issues in the action to which those documents relate, the plaintiff may pursue it notwithstanding that it may be largely repetitious of the earlier examination. It is for the plaintiff to decide whether it wishes to take the time in such an exercise. On the other hand, I cannot accept the plaintiff's submission that, in order to avoid the necessity of further examination, I should order the defendant either to admit the documents or to limit itself in any way in the use which it may make thereof at the trial. I see no way, in the circumstances, that I could make such an order with any confidence that it would be both mean ingful and fair. I could perhaps make it meaning ful and arbitrary, or fair and fatuous, but if addi tional examination for discovery is to be avoided and the price of that is a limitation on the freedom that the defendant would otherwise have in the use of the additional documents in the presentation of its case, that result will have to be achieved by agreement between the parties.
I reject the defendant's submission that, if the plaintiff exercises its right to further examination for discovery, the defendant should likewise have a right to further examination for discovery.
In the circumstances, the plaintiffs request that the affidavit be filed and served on or before April 14, 1975 is reasonable. The plaintiffs further request that the affidavit be accompanied by leg ible copies of the additional documents adequately indexed to relate them to the affidavit to be filed and served is also reasonable to the extent that the plaintiff does not already have them in that gener al form. In stipulating that such copies be so delivered, I rely on responsible counsel not to demand a duplication of material, already in hand and properly identified in relation to the affidavit, to be delivered.
2 The fact that the Court must grant leave to file a list verified by affidavit and not a bare list of documents would appear to confirm the intention that further examination is to follow such order since there is a right, in any case, to examine on the affidavit.
While tempted in the circumstances to accede to the plaintiff's request that the defendant undertake that the documents disclosed by the affidavit, along with those disclosed in the list duly filed, will be exhaustive of the documents the defendant proposes to rely on, I do not think I can properly do so. That will be a matter for the Trial Judge or another application if additional documents are tendered.
One of the documents on the list dated March 26, 1975 is designated:
52) Certificate of Merger, Moore Dry Kiln Company—U.S. Natural Resources, Inc., 31 December, 1969.
It is said that that is a document issued by a public authority of the State of Florida. As a. condition of the production of that document, I direct that the defendant also produce copies of all other docu ments on the public records of the issuing author ity of the certificate leading to its issuance and all other documents in the plaintiff's possession rele vant to establish the true nature and substance of the "merger" so certified in so far as that true nature and substance is, in turn, relevant to the issues of this action. The defendant may, if it properly objects to the production of any of the latter documents, disclose the same and state its objection.
Finally, the plaintiff is entitled to its costs in any event of the cause.
 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.