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Valmet Oy (Appellant)(Defendant) v.
Beloit Canada Ltée/Ltd. and Beloit Corporation (Respondents) (Plaintiffs)
Court of Appeal, Pratte, Marceau and Hugessen JJ.—Ottawa, June 2, 1987.
Practice Discovery Examination for discovery Appeal from order requiring defendant to submit to examina tion for discovery prior to plaintiffs' election for damages or accounting of profits Appeal allowed R. 501(2) requiring definition of issues that are subject of reference prior to order for discovery on reference Definition usually taking place on order of reference under R. 500(1) No R. 500(1) order Such order only given after election between damages and accounting of profits Irrelevant that if no pre-trial order under R. 480(1), discovery not subject to R. 466 and would have extended to all matters in issue Federal Court Rules, C.R.C., c. 663, RR. 466, 480(1), 500(1), 501(2).
Practice References Determination of damages or accounting of profits according to election Defendant ordered to submit to examination for discovery prior to elec tion Under R. 501(2), can be no order for discovery on reference until issues subject of reference defined Defini tion should take place on order of reference under R. 500(1) Federal Court Rules, C.R.C., c. 663, RR. 500(1), 501(2).
Jacques A. Léger for appellant (defendant).
Donald H. MacOdrum for respondents (plaintiffs).
Léger, Robic & Richard, Montréal, for appel lant (defendant).
Ridout & Maybee, Toronto, for respondents (plaintiffs).
The following are the reasons for judgment of the Court delivered orally in English by
HUG ESSEN J.: This is an appeal from a decision of Cullen J. [(1986), 64 N.R. 287; 8 C.P.R. (3d) 289; 7 C.I.P.R. 205 (F.C.T.D.)] ordering that defendant [appellant] submit to examination for discovery prior to the plaintiffs [respondents] electing either damages or an account of profits resulting from the defendant's infringement of plaintiffs' patent.
In the judgment of this Court on the question of infringement, it was ordered
... the appellants shall be entitled to damages or an accounting of profits, as they may elect, and a reference shall be had for the determination thereof following such election unless the parties otherwise agree .... (Appeal book, page 4.)
The basis for the Trial Judge's decision [(1984), 78 C.P.R. (2d) 1], and for the principal submission by the respondents on the present appeal, is that, if an order under Rule 480(1) [Federal Court Rules, C.R.C., c. 663]' had not been made before trial, the examination for discovery would not have been subject to the provisions of Rule 466 2 and would therefore have extended to all the matters then in issue, including both damages and profits.
'Rule 480. (1) Any party desiring to proceed to trial without adducing evidence upon any issue of fact including, without limiting the generality thereof,
(a) any question as to the extent of the infringement of any right,
(b) any question as to the damages flowing from any infringement of any right, and
(c) any question as to the profits arising from any infringe ment of any right,
shall, at least 10 days before the day fixed for the commence ment of trial, apply for an order that such issue of fact be, after trial, the subject of a reference under Rules 500 et seq. if it then appears that such issue requires to be decided.
2 Rule 466. Where, prior to the time when an examination for discovery is being conducted or discovery or inspection of documents is being obtained or given under these Rules, an order has been made under Rule 480 that an issue of fact be, after trial, the subject of a reference, the discovery or inspection shall not extend to such issue of fact.
With respect we think this reasoning is beside the point. Whatever might have been possible if there had been no pre-trial order under Rule 480(1), as to which we express no opinion, there was such an order in this case. However, neither that order nor the order of this Court quoted above constitute an order of reference under Rule 500(1). 3 As we read Rule 501(2) 4 there can be no order for discovery on a reference until the issues that are the subject of the reference have been defined. In our view, such definition should nor mally take place on an order of reference under Rule 500(1). In the light of our prior judgment in this case, such an order can only be given herein after the plaintiffs have elected as between dam ages and an account of profits.
The appeal will be allowed and the order of the Trial Division set aside; either party may reapply for an order under Rule 500(1) once plaintiffs have made their election. Defendant its entitled to its costs in both divisions.
3 Rule 500. (1) The Court may, for the purpose of taking accounts or making inquiries, or for the determination of any question or issue of fact, refer any matter to a judge nominated by the Associate Chief Justice, a prothonotary, or any other person deemed by the Court to be qualified for the purpose, for inquiry and report.
4 Rule 501. ..
(2) The Court may make such order as seems just for examination for discovery in respect of any issue that is the subject of reference.
 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.